
Trainer resident evil 6
Trainer resident evil 6

Note: Don't forget to enable "Missing Files Fix" if you are going to swap stages/characters. Setting enemies' speed, size, health, coords Using game save files from the Internet Trainers dont work for Ndesu, I get instakilled everytime, it must be passed perfectly. Saving/loading config files for speech, camera, inventory 6 Comments to Trainers for Resident Evil 5 Kpo says: 2 years ago at 02:17. A tool to copy/paste internal settings of the trainer Online/Offline character swap doesn't break doors/elevators/levers etc Note that the German 1.0.6 and Japanese 1.0.6 are not supported.

trainer resident evil 6

Supported versions of the game: 1.0.6 and 1.1.0. My Patreon if you'd like to support my work: The game that is supported: Steam Store Page The author of the software cannot be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, including but not limited to, data or other intangible losses, instability.

  • “Complete All Records” takes effect when opening records menu.Ģ020.10.01: Update for v20200930 game version.Ģ020.08.07: Update for v20200806 game version.Ģ020.06.07: Update for v20200603 game version.Ģ020.04.07: Added “Reset Death Count” and “Reset Total Game Time” options.Ģ020.04.04: Added “Edit Shop Points” and “Complete All Records” options.Ģ020.04.03 (2): Added “Invulnerable” option.Ģ020.04.03 (1): Update for v1.0 game version Added a few more options.This software is provided "as is" and any expressed or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.
  • “Infinite Health” and “Invulnerable”: Note these two options can’t prevent scripted death (for example: QTE failure, trap, standing on fire for too long, etc).
  • trainer resident evil 6

  • “Reset Save Count” takes effect after saving.
  • “Infinite Ammo/Grenades” requires at lease one spare ammo/grenade for it to work.
  • trainer resident evil 6

    Ctrl+Num 3 – Reset Recovery Item Used Count

    Trainer resident evil 6